Steaming To (or in) Monemvasia
Here I am in my
grandmother's village, a place I keep
secret to preserve it's special-ness
and keep people from finding me. We
are in the midst of the worst
heat-wave in 100 years, alternating
between the air-conditioned room and
the sea which is still miraculously
cool. Well it is not entirely true
that this is all we do, because every
morning Dorian and I drive to the town
of Molaos to get the papers we need to
restore my grandmother's house, now a
complete ruin after decades of
neglect. It's over an hour's drive to
this small agricultural town and we
leave early in the morning to avoid
the heat. But as each day passes the
heat gets harder to avoid and it seems
that the nights are just as hot as the
day and running around a regional
capital going from office to office to
get papers signed and stamped is no
way to spend a holiday. So when Saturday
comes around I want nothing more than
to wake up in my air-conditioned room
and jump into the cool sea and stay
there until my body temperature gets
so low that 110 degrees seems like a
mere 99 and I can at least make it
back to the room without heat
But Andrea has other ideas. She has
been trapped in the village doing
exactly what I want to do, for the
last week, going back and forth
between the sea and the
air-conditioning and she wants out in
the worst way. Despite the simple
beauty of the village and the fun of
playing chaperone and parent to a
teenage girl and a seven year old who
thinks she is a teenager, Andrea is
going a little bit stir-crazy and
demands an adventure to break the
Today is the hottest day yet, the
hottest day of the year and maybe the
hottest day of the century and what
does she want to do? Go for a drive.
Where? Monemvasia. The hottest place
in the Peloponessos.
I am not a coward
and I can stand up to anyone. Except
Andrea. I would rather roast in hell
than have her mad at me for the entire
day in a confined space the size of
our air-conditioned room. So we set
out on our little journey, and to make
it more interesting we take our guests
Dorian, who has been helping me with
the paperwork for the house, and his daughter Holly, a
beautiful teenager who loves to
torture her father by using up the
pre-paid calling card by talking to
her friends in Athens on his
cell-phone he has left her for
emergencies only. With 5 of us
squeezed into the little rental car
and the temperature outside in the
hundreds and rising, this promises to
be a fun-filled day.
Driving through the mountains of the
Peloponessos is almost like watching a
documentary of the moon. It is a stark
beauty that someone like myself or
Andrea can appreciate in the way a
Bedouin can appreciate the beauty of
the desert. But for a kid it is just
plain boring and my daughter Amarandi
and her new pal Holly begin a never
ending chorus of "Are we there yets?"
and "How much longers?" that are
virtually uninterrupted except during
a few roadblocks set up by goats,
until we reach the town of Geraka,
home of the mythological Kojak. Yes our
first stop on this scenic tour of
Laconia is the hometown of Telly
Geraka sits on a
big salt water marsh and lake at the
end of a narrow passageway from the
sea. It is really a beautiful place
though occasionally the guy who is
supposed to pick up the plastic
bottles and bags goes on vacation and
forgets to inform his apprentice. But
because it is probably the most
sheltered little harbor in Greece it
is a very popular place for yachts and
sailboats who can spend the night here
and not worry about the changing winds
or rough seas. Because of this the
port area has several very nice little
restaurants, cafes and ouzeries. Being
a completely closed harbor it is not
the best place for swimming as there
does not seem to be any real beach,
but people swim off the rocks in the
channel. |
Today, it is so hot
there are few people here. The yachts
that have spent the night have moved
further north or south and the only
other people in sight besides a couple
fishermen mending their nets are a
Canadian couple. We talk to the man
whose name is Peri, a filmmaker who
has a family home in Monemvasia and
dreams of exporting his olive-oil to
America to finance a film about
kamakis (Casanova's) in Greece using
the medieval town on the rock of his
ancestral home as his set.
We eat a bowl of fresh homemade
yogurt with local honey and sit in the
shade trying not to move too much. It
is really not unpleasant but the girls
are restless and bored and Holly hates
yogurt and wants to survive on
chocolate cookies and ice-cream.
Amarandi is sensing that if she
declares she no longer likes yogurt
then she too will be able to exist on
chocolate cookies and ice-cream, and
unfortunately there is a grocery store
that sells yachting supplies, canned
spam, chocolate cookies and ice-cream.
We accept that we have lost our
daughter and she will no longer be
satisfied by the simple purity of the
Mediterranean diet and send them off
to buy whatever they want so we adults
can have a few moments of serious
"They told me in my
grandmother's village that Telly
Savalas came back here to Geraka to
film a documentary of his life. They
said the villagers here were insulted
because he would come into the
cafeneon and sit by himself and not
talk to anyone or buy anyone coffee or
drinks. Then he decided he did not
like the way the village looked and
went off and filmed it somewhere else,
like Kosmas."
"This sounds like village talk" says
Andrea. "Why wouldn't Telly Savalas
want to film in this village? It is
his ancestral village, it is beautiful
and it is interesting and it has the
"Maybe Telly thought Geraka does not
fit the public's image of a Greek
village. I mean how many Greek coastal
villages have a lake? Maybe every time
they wanted to film the harbor was
filled with yachts. How can you make a
film about a guy's humble beginnings
in a town with a harbor full of
yachts? And maybe he didn't buy the
old guys in the cafeneon a drink, but
he may have been shy. Sure Kojak would
have bought drinks for everyone and
kept them entertained with cop
stories. But Telly Savalas was an
actor and they can be insulated and
insecure just like real human beings.
The villagers should have bought him a
drink. It's their turf. Despite his
ancestry he was still a guest."
The conversation
continued along these lines until
Dorian came up with the most obvious
answer. "Maybe they didn't trust him because he was a cop."
It was amazing
that none of us had thought of this.
Of course, a remote village that
probably did not even have a policeman
of its own, and who comes to town but
the world's most well known cop. Each
old man was probably wondering if this
was his day of reckoning for some
minor offense he had committed against
his neighbor or a family member. A
finger on the scale at the olive co-op
or a foot or two shaved off a property
boundary or even a tab unpaid at a now
defunct store. Kojak's presence in the
cafeneon probably make everyone in
town feel the way I do when I see a
state trooper in my rear view window
even if I am driving under the speed
It was too hot in Geraka to do
anything but sit and talk about Kojak
so we said good bye to Peri and got
back into the car and drove south
along the coast. We passed several
interesting beaches and a small harbor
with a sunken tug boat and some villa
type houses being built that looked as
out of place as wooden shoes on an
antelope. But we stopped and I got out
and took some pictures while the
others huddled inside the car their
skin sucking up every last cubic inch
of air-conditioned air.
Note: Eat at the excellent Remetso's Fish Taverna in Geraka. It is worth the trip.

Finally around a
curve in the road the giant rock and
the citadel of Monemvasia appears and
within a few minutes we are driving
through the modern city on the
mainland, which is separated from it by
the narrow causeway and bridge. I park
the car and we all set out in
different directions, each with a
purpose and only vague plans of where
and when to meet again, we were so
disoriented by the heat and the close
company in the car. I had the most
important task. I was to find the
store that sold foreign newspapers.
There was a small tourist shop that
had the racks that said Herald Tribune
and foreign press but it was filled
with Greek magazines. Inside the man
told me that all the foreign papers
were now sold at the Supermarket. I
thought maybe he had misunderstood me
but I followed his vague directions
and ended up walking about a mile up
the road before realizing I had made
some kind of mistake or
miscalculation. But I used the
opportunity to visit a couple of the
hotels and take some pictures and meet
the owners, before heading back
through the city streets and the 110
degree heat to begin my search
There were few
people on the street and I was walking
at a pace more suited to a wintry day
in Manhattan, but with sweat poring
out of every gland. I started from
scratch and this time swallowed my
pride and asked several people along
the way and eventually found the
Supermarket and the newspapers. I
bought the International Herald Tribune and
the Athens News and went back to find
the others. Of course there was nobody around and
rather then wait I took the
opportunity to wander around the
modern town while it was still
relatively early in the day and not as
hot as it was going to be, the
thermometer at the first restaurant in
the port reading a mere 112. Again I
rushed from point to point like a
fanatic looking for the best shots
and angles while the people in the
cafes drinking their frappes in the
shade wondered what kind of a nut
would be running around taking
pictures today. How could they know
the sense of duty I felt that made me
practically oblivious to the terrible
heat that had turned them all into
mental cripples, unable to move from
their chairs for anything less then
using the toilet.
Miraculously we all
converged on the car at the same time.
The others however had been back to
the car several times looking for me
and it did not seem like such a
miracle to them. They were drenched in
sweat and unhappy and wanted to go to
the beach. Luckily I had seen a nice
beach in my travels and after stopping
at an excellent little dive shop to
buy a new mask and flippers for
Amarandi, we drove through the town to
where the cool blue Aegean met the hot
white shore. We found a little bit of
shade under a small tree and took off
our shoes and clothes and ran to the
water scorching our feet on the hot
sand and stones. The relief was
extraordinary but rather then make the
most of it and spend the time enjoying
it we began to torture ourselves
wondering how we were going to get
from the sea back to our clothes and
shoes. My feet were already scalded
and practically useless and I knew the
others felt the same. We would have to
pick someone to make the supreme
sacrifice and run back to get our
shoes, like Jim Brown in the Dirty
Dozen. But looking at my crew of
unhappy travelers I was forced to
admit there was nobody with the
courage of Jim Brown with the
exception of myself and I didn't want
to do it. I would just assume stay in
the water until the sun went down and
take my chances then. Luckily our old
friend Peri the Canadian
olive-exporting filmmaker showed up
and got our shoes and we swam around
working up script ideas for the
After awhile, though
our bodies were submerged in the cool
sea the tops of our heads were
absorbing an awful lot of heat and I
had the feeling that brain damage was
eminent, so we gathered our things and
jumped into the car which was so hot
that I scalded my hands on the
steering wheel and had to drive with a
wet towel. We drove back to the port
to the Aktaion Restaurant and sat
inside where it was only about 100.
Peri joined us and we had a delicious
meal of fish and salads, with Holly
and Dorian eating a big plate of
giovetsi. How anyone can eat meat when
it is this hot is beyond me. In fact I
felt like the only reason we were
eating was to have an excuse to be out
of the sun. When the thermometer
outside is reading 115 degrees, the
last thing on my mind is how hungry I
am. But surprisingly despite the fact
that the effort of chewing and
swallowing made me sweat as much as
doing a workout at Gold's Gym, I came
to the realization that eating during
a heat wave has the same effect as
eating while you have the flu. You
forget how much you are suffering, as
long as the food holds out.
My plan called for
us to drive to the entrance of the
citadel and wander through the village
and take pictures for my website, like any good travel writer in my position would do. But nobody else wanted
to do this. Everyone wanted to go home
to the village and the air-conditioned rooms. We
decided upon a compromise. There was a
flying dolphin waiting at the dock on
the causeway that would be stopping at
our village on the way home. Dorian
could take the girls and Andrea and I
could continue our exploration of the
rock. But Andrea was not enthused
about walking through the village with
the sun beating down on us either so
we came up with yet another plan. We
would all go home but while Dorian and
the girls took the Dolphin, Andrea and
I could drive back at a nice leisurely
pace and enjoy the scenery without a
car full of complainers.
So we drove to the
ticket office and purchased tickets
for the dolphin and then since we had
half an hour we drove to the entrance
of the citadel just to see it. I had
actually been here 30 years before
with my parents, before Monemvasia had
hotels, tourists or the Germans who
had bought up all the ruins and turned
them into beautiful summer houses. The
history of the village is a rich one
and the fortress which has been used
and added to by everyone from the
Byzantines, the Crusaders, the
Venetians and The Turks, is one of the
most spectacular sites in the Aegean
and has been called the Gibralter of
the East Mediterranean. There is a
book available at the tourist shops
Monemvasia: The
Town and It's History
that will give you
an appreciation of it's history. But
to appreciate the dramatic beauty of
the site one only has to visit the
town and walk through the stone
But not when it is 120 degrees. We
dropped the others off at the Dolphin
and waved goodbye as it left the dock,
gathered up speed, rose up and left
the bay.
Andrea and I were
then able to drive back to our village
and except to take a couple pictures
of the lake at Geraka we didn't even
get out of the car. The fact that
there were only two people in the
vehicle soaking up the cool air made
it much more pleasant than the journey
to Monemvasia and if I had to drive
another ten hours I would not have
minded. We got back to the village at
sunset and went for a quick swim and
then sat in the room until dinner. It
was too hot to even have an ouzo but a
cold beer tasted pretty good. Even
Dorian, a recovered alcoholic who had
not had a drink in 2 years had
The heat wave lasted 2 weeks. We
survived it but it did not break until
the day we had to leave the village to
catch the ferry to Lesvos. It had
begun the day we arrived in the
village so in a way it was not as if
we were on a vacation. We were just in
a place where surviving was less
challenging than say, being in Athens,
which according to my friends who were
stuck there, was absolutely awful. But
they don't have AC and can't escape
the heat.
I guess the point of this story is
that Monemvasia is indeed a beautiful
and interesting place to go. But if
you go in July or August you will want
a room with air-conditioning and a
view. The chances are slim that it
will get as hot as it did the summer
of 2000 and for as long a period of
time, but it is better to be prepared
than sorry.

Helpful Information for Monemvasia
This is probably what you were looking for when you found this page but I put it at the bottom so you would have to read my story. I have been to Monemvasia several times since I wrote it and so I actually have more information to share than how hot it was.
When you arrive in Monemvasia by car you can find the walled fortress town by crossing the causeway and following the road to the gate. From there park your car wherever you can (not so easy in the summer but people come and go so if you wait a space will open up), and enter through the gate. It is pretty much one main shopping street with
some nice cafes and restaurants, all on the fancy side of Greek tourism, but not really expensive. I suggest wandering around
the city until you
get hot or bored and then come back to one of the cafes and figure out what to do next. There are some tourist shops and some traditional products shops and the Malvasia wine from Monemvasia is great and hard to find outside of the area. You can visit the Monemvasia Winery in nearby Velies but you should probably contact them first to make sure there are tours. If you want my opinion on the best thing to bring back
Monemvasia as a gift or for
yourself, go to the Malva Gallery right by the
entrance of the town and get a print by Manolis Gregoreas. His artwork is beautiful and inexpensive and he will mail it home for you.
There is a network of footpaths around Monemvasia with trails signposted so if you are a walker you will be very happy here. Find a copy of Laconia's Traveler, a free newspaper put out by the region, which has maps and lots of information.
Beaches near Monemvasia
For those staying in the fortress you can swim in this nice area of flat stones about a five minute walk towards the modern town. There are probably some other spots below the city that you can ask about at your hotel. There are several beaches within walking distance of the modern town, mostly stone but not too bad.
A couple miles north of the town is Pori beach which is long, sandy, beautiful, clean, with shade trees and wide open sea. It has a great view of the rock of Monemvasia. South of Monemvasia there are four smaller beaches that are very nice, called Xifias
(the one in the photo), Ampelakia, Livadia and Agios Fokas which are all reachable by car or bicycle. If you have a car you can go south to the island of Elafonisos for the kind of beaches that people dream about, or cut across the peninsula where there are a number of beaches on the western coast. If you are adventurous drive north to Kyparissi where there are two spectacular stone
beaches in a small town said
to be the most beautiful in Greece.
Getting to Monemvasia
For trips from Athens
George the Famous
but plan to stay overnight. The drive is around four and a half hours from Athens. You should probably plan on coming here by car or bus. There used to be a Flying Dolphin and a ferry but no longer. If you are a sailor, going down the east coast of the Peloponessos is a wonderful trip, eaqual to or better than any journey through the Cyclades. See My Sailing Pages for info on charters and skippers.
To rent a car and
drive from Athens to Monemvasia
check out
They will pick you up at the
airport or your hotel and drive
you to the National road and let
you by-pass the notorious Athens
traffic or deliver the car to you. You will probably want a car to explore the surrounding area and the nicer beaches are outside of town. From Monemvasia you can easily reach Mystras, Githeon, the island of Elafonisos, the Diros Caves and the Mani on day trips. One nice
excursion is to the small town of Gerakas (remember the original article) where there is a very nice fish taverna called Remezzos, owned by a Danish woman and her Greek husband, where many people from the area travel long distances on goat infested roads for a nice fish lunch or dinner in a lovely setting.
If you don't have a car you will be pleased to know that there is a bus that goes from the causeway in the new town to the entrance of the fortress town that leaves every fifteen minutes or half an hour. (I asked and they told me but I forgot).
Hotels in Monevasia
Here are a number of nice hotels in and around Monemvasia. The hotels in the fortress town will be more expensive and the restaurants a little more upscale, but it is a unique experience and probably worth it in the same way that staying in the caldera in Santorini is. But if you are a beach person and your taste in food is more traditional and inexpensive
then stay in the modern town across the causeway. There is a very swim-able stone beach with a couple of fish tavernas, and there is a small harbor where there are some more. Getting to the sea for a swim from the fortress town is a bit of a chore but swimming off the rocks below the town is pretty nice. Anyway here are some suggested hotels. You can click on the name for more information, photos and booking. The small commission I make from your booking enables me to travel and write (and eat and drink). |

Moni Emvasis Luxury Suites
At a mere distance of fifty meters from the castle gate of Monemvasia, are the “Moni Emvasis Luxury Suites”. Three stately homes have been lovingly restored and transformed into a unique boutique hotel which personifies and embodies Monemvasian nobility, offering warm hospitality and excellent services to discerning guests. Rooms are spacious with refined elegance, imposing décor and contemporary design that meets with tradition. Click Here for More Information and Booking

Douka Seafront Residences
Douka Seafront Residences a few kilometers north of Monemvasia, consists 19 apartments of various types for all needs and preferences of all kind of travellers. The property is ideal for family holidays as it offers safety for the children as also leisure and serenity for an unforgettable holiday for the parents. The classic double includes one bedroom with one double bed, bathroom with shower and a fully equipped kitchenette. The Apartment with Garden View
(25 sq.m.) has a bedroom with one double and one single, bathroom with a shower, dining area and fully equipped kitchen. There are also Superior residences, with or without sea view with 2 spacious bedrooms (one bedroom with one double bed and one bedroom with three single beds) ideal for families, a bathroom with shower, dining area and a fully equipped kitchenette. Click Here for More Information and Booking

Iris Beach Hotel
Iris Beach Hotel is set in Monemvasía at Ambelakia Beach. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar. Free WiFi is offered throughout the property and free private parking is available on site.
Each room at this hotel is air conditioned and features a TV. Certain rooms feature a seating area where you can relax. Some units include views of the sea or mountain. All rooms come with a private bathroom equipped with a shower. For your comfort, you will find free toiletries and a hairdryer. Click Here for More Information and Booking

Venti Seaside
Located 500 metres from Ambelakia Beach, Venti Seaside features an outdoor seawater pool. It offers rooms with a furnished balcony with views of the garden, mountain or Aegean Sea. It has a garden with barbecue facilities. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel. A wall-mounted TV and a kitchenette are in Monemvasia’s air-conditioned rooms. Each spacious room has a bright décor and wrought-iron furniture. Guests of all rooms can use the common kitchen room
where they may prepare their breakfast or meals or use the ample refrigerator. Bike rentals are available at Venti Seaside’s tour desk. Click Here for More Information and Booking

Tulipa Suites
Tulipa Suites provide guests a home with privacy and quiet surroundings. A small courtyard and the balconies with astonishing Castle view offering the sensation to our customers to be treated like being at their own home, not just a hotel room. A true home away from home during your stay, with peace of mind regarding linen cleaning, housekeeping with facilities such as internet, parking and ultimate comfort. Tulipa Suites located at the new town of Monemvasia (Gefyra)
with hotel amenities, in a green and quiet surrounding, minutes walk from the Castle Town. Click Here for More Information and Booking

Built on a hill of Monemvasia, facing the castle, a 10-minute walk from the center, Panorama is 820 feet from the nearest beach.
The spacious rooms are equipped with bathroom amenities, air conditioning and satellite TVs. Most of the rooms offer direct views of the castle and the sea.
Guests can enjoy a full breakfast buffet each morning. The bar offers cocktails on the terrace with views of the rock and the sea.
In the vicinity there is the medieval fortress of Monemvasia and staff can offer information on local sights. Free Wi-Fi is provided in public areas and free private parking is available. Click Here for More Information and Booking

Petrino Guesthouse
Petrino Guesthouse is a traditional stone building, 10m from the sea and 100m from the Castle's Bridge. It has verandas and balconies with black metal railing and wooden ceilings. There are big, comfortable, and modern rooms with wooden furniture. They offer hot water, heating, air-conditioning, television and refrigerator. All rooms have verandas with a view of the sea. Click
Here for More Information and Booking

Akra Morea Hotel & Residences
Akra Morea Hotel & Residences is located 3 klm away from the castle of Monemvasia and is the ideal place for holidays for families with young children because of the security and outdoor activity possibilities offered. The 26 Apartments and Residences of Akra Morea combine the spirit of Monemvasia hospitality with unparalleled natural beauty and modern facilities. Click Here for More Information
and Booking

Monemvasia Green Apartments
Monemvasia Green Apartments is located in Monemvasía and offers self-catering accommodation. Free WiFi access is available. The property is 1.3 km from Castle of Monemvasia. All Rooms and Apartments feature a TV and air conditioning. There is also a refrigerator. Private bathroom also comes with free toiletries. Extras include an outdoor seating area and bed linen. Other facilities like laundry are offered. The property offers free parking. Click Here for More Information and Booking

Malvasia Traditional Hotel
Boasting a privileged location, 300 metres from the gate of Monemvasia’s castle, Malvasia Traditional Hotel offers stone-built units most with views of the sea. A buffet breakfast is served at the breakfast room and terrace of the main building. The air-conditioned accommodation at Malvasia is traditionally decorated featuring arched walls
and wooden furnishings. They open out to private or shared terraces and balconies and come with a satellite TV, mini fridge and free toiletries. Some units also include a kitchenette. In the castle of Monemvasia, you will find charming cafes, shops and taverns serving local specialities. Free Wi-Fi is available in the reception area and free parking is possible outside the castle alongside the road. Click Here for More Information and Booking

You can find hotels in Monemvasia by location, price, whether or not it has a swimming pool, and see photos and reviews by using this link to Booking.com. Excellent prices
and many hotels you can book and then cancel
with no cancellation fee. For those who want to book without using a travel agency this is the best way to do it. For those who plan to visit other areas in Greece along with Monemvasia it is a good idea to book with a reliable Greek travel agency to keep things coordinated and to have someone to turn to if there are unforeseen difficulties. You can see my suggested travel agencies or else try my Greece
Create-an-itinerary form and get a quote with no requirement to book.