The Theories of Theresa Mitsopoulou
Anthropologist and Archaeologist Theresa
Mitsopoulou's theories about the reasons for the
similarities in ancient Greek and Chinese culture
have not made her popular with the Greek
Archaeologists and Academics. But they should
probably make their peace with her because she may
be right.
Mitsopolou has studied Archaeology at the
University of Athens and has been a tourist guide
and lecturer for over 30 years. She has written a
number of books which investigate the connection
between ancient Greek and Chinese cultures and
languages. She speaks seven languages including
Chinese and her Guide to Athens and the Acropolis
is written in English and Chinese and dedicated to
the Chinese tourist whose dream is to come and
visit Greece some day. Though her theories on
ancient history make sense and she offers many
examples as proof she has been shunned by her
peers in the world of Greek Archaeology who
perhaps prefer to believe that ancient Greece was
the center of the universe rather than believe
that it was part of a much bigger and infinitely
more fascinating picture. But you can read her
articles and decide for yourself.