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Greek Cinema and Films About Greece

Anthony Quinn and Alan Bates in Zorba the GreekRenos Haralambedes

I have always wanted to have a page on Greek film, for one reason so I could write about the movies I like, both Greek made and foreign made which take place in Greece. But it was not until I moved to Kea and my neighbor and friend turned out to be Andrew Horton the world's foremost expert on Greek Film that I was able to make a page that would not just appeal to tourists but to film students and lovers of cinema as well.

Greek Films and Films About Greece by Matt Barrett 
The Weeping Meadow Film Review by Matt Barrett
The Greek and Balkan Spirit of Comedy with the Films of Theo Angelopoulos

by Andrew Horton
Five Contemporary Greek Films Considered by Andrew Horton  
Renos Haralambidis's Cheap Smokes by Andrew Horton

Watch Renos Haralambidis' HEART OF THE BEAST
Watch Renos Haralambidis' CHEAP SMOKES
Watch Renos Haralambidis' NO BUDGET STORY (Matt's favorite)
Watch renos Haralambidis 4 BLACK SUITS

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