Del works for the demos of Kea (town hall) as their odd-job guy though mostly he defines himself as a skoupitzis (trash collector).But if you walk around the village you will find many places that Del has created. He has uncovered ancient fountains and springs around the village and made little parks and sitting areas and small
gardens and keeps the village streets whitewashed and the plants watered. My next project will be to photograph all these places and make another page for him. I talked to the mayor and told him we need to make a statue of Dellapizza and put it in the platia. The world's greatest skoupitzis "The best thing about Del is you just send him out and let him do whatever he wants." the mayor told me.
When my friend George Gerassimides from Fantasy Travel came to visit us one day he looked around at all the well watered plants, the clean streets, the whitewashed walls, and all the little places Delapitsa has beautified and he asked me who is responsible for this. Just then Del walked by with his broom and garbage bag and I pointed to him and told George that he worked for the dimos (municipality) as the garbage man. George said to me "Whoever is the mayor should make sure they keep this man and no matter what, never let him go. Even if the mayor has to pay from his own pocket. Because what he does here is special and he makes this village special."
Think I will sign off and see what he has done today.
Be sure to visit Delapitsas website and see some of his wonderful paintings.