A New Greece? Sign Me Up!
The best thing about the financial crisis in Europe and the political crisis in Greece is that there are so many knowlegable writers out there who know what is going on that I don't even have to pretend I am an expert. I can just refer people to articles that tell the story. Like today for example. After waking up at 4am and reading every article I could find about what was going on in Greece, my friend Beau (or Harry as he is also known) sent me this piece about SYRIZA,
the group that has thrown a monkey wrench into the whole works and whose leader Alexis Tsipras not only holds the fate of Greece in his 38 year old hands, but the fate of Europe and perhaps the re-ellection of Barack Obama. Probably most of you have never heard of SYRIZA. Well here's an introduction
I start almost every day reading Kathimerini, mostly the commentaries which can sometime fill me with dread while others make me feel proud to be Greek and know that there are some people in the media who still have hearts and minds. Nikos Konstandaras is usually the voice of reason as are Nikos Xydakis, Nick Malkoutzis and some of the other guys whose names have become so familiar to me. Also of interest are the letters from the Kathimerini readers, often the same people who have found a passion for writing that may propel them onto the editorial pages of the NY Times one day. If you want to know what is going on in Greece read the Kathimerini Comments Pages
My next stop is usually The Greek Reporter which is an award winning project (Presidential Award of CSUN) that started on the grounds of California State University Northridge. The idea belongs to Anastasios Papapostolou, a recent graduate of CSU Northridge, and editor in chief for the Greek Reporter. Like Kathimerini they keep on top of events, something that Greek on-line newspapers didn't do much of in the days when there was nothing going on. Now you can go to these sites every hour or so and something new has happened that will either cause you more worry, or relief(usually temporary).
By the time I have read the scattered remains of Greek news on Zite I am so full of anxiety and don't want to read anything else about Greece so I cleanse my mind by going to the Official Website of the NY Mets. Their crisis seems to be behind them and so it gives me hope for Greece. Now I understand why people become baseball fanatics.