Finding a Job in Greece: Au-Pairs

The  idea of coming to Greece and working as an au pair is a
rather good one.  There are quite a few young families in Athens
who are often looking for the services of someone. 

I too once employed a young lady from Montreal as an au pair for my
two boys when they were 3 and 4 years old.  They are now 19 and 20
so I am not in the market for an au pair any more.  She helped them
tremendously with their English (and she learned quite a bit of
Greek from them).

There are 4 employment agencies I can direct you to, but you could
probably find a position by simply checking the "Athens News" which
is a local English newspaper where people place "Want adds" for
au pairs.  There was an add in today's newspaper which requested:

        "A girl, speaking English, to take care of a child 4 years
         old.  Live-in or live-out, with a very good salary.
         References required. Tel. 8131.184, atten Mrs. Marianna."

The employment agencies are as follows: (all Athens numbers begin with 210)

RESEARCHING HOME, Epirou 5, Athens  Tel. 821-6207, 884-3123 FAX 823-7784

VOULA & APHRODITE GALANI, Em. Benaki 25, Athens, Tel. 380-6252, 382-2559

INTERTOM, Chalkokondili 24-26, Athens, Tel. 523-9470, 523-9591

ADONIS, Gladstonos 10, Athens, Tel. 330-0498, 330-0581, 330-2510

Kalliope Raekou  9 Muses,  P.O BOX 76080, 17110 NEA SMIRNI, ATHENS-GREECE
 tel.  01 9316588 - 01 9326016  fax 01 9326016

If you need any further assistance please feel free to contact me

Good luck and regards from sunny Athens,

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