Greece Travel Guide


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Hotels of Greece




Pelion, Greece

Is the Mount Pelion peninsula of Magnesia the most beautiful region in Greece? Some say it is. It certainly has some of the best beaches. The mountain is filled with vegetation from olive and pines to apple orchards with some of the best hiking trails in Greece. In the winter Pelion provides some of the best skiing in Greece. Pelion also boasts some of the most beautiful villages in all of Greece. To top it off, they say the best mezedes in Greece come from Volos and Pelion, delicious snacks that go perfectly with the local drink of choice called tsipuro. Is Pelion the destination for you? The way to find out is to explore these pages.

Matt's Trip to Pelion

Pinakates, Pelion
Villages in Pelion

Pelion, Greece
Beaches of Pelion

Pelion hotel
Hotels in Pelion

Volos, Greece

Sailing to Pelion
Getting to and From Pelion

Volos Tour Guide
Volos Tour Guide

Taxi in Volos
Taxi in Volos

Hiking in Pelion
Hiking in Pelion

Pelion rock climbing
All Pelion Activities

Pelion Hiking
Hiking and Trekking in Pelion

Pelion Sea Activities
Sea Activities in Pelion

Sailing, Pelion and Sporades Islands
Pelion-Sporades Sailing

Biking in Pelion
Biking in Pelion

Horseback Riding in Pelion
Horseback Riding in Pelion Greece Travel Banner

You can find hotels in Pelion by location, price, whether or not it has a swimming pool, and see photos and reviews by using this link to Excellent prices and many hotels you can book and then cancel with no cancellation fee. For those who want to book without using a travel agency this is the best way to do it. And they contribute to my website when you do. You can also use my Hotels of Greece Pelion Page


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